I have a really good sense of direction. Usually. Unlike my mom, who gets lost in the parking lot, I can find my way anywhere in the world. Yesterday, I took a break from Shiva cooking and went with my friend Sarit to Jerusalem in order to attend a breastfeeding course. I'm working on my Doula certification and this was a requirement. We set out for the Holy City, 7 am, bright and early. Plenty of time, the workshop was scheduled for 9:30. It was a lovely drive and we chatted away. Hucking a chinik to put it mildly. (About A.D.D and Ritalin, painful husbands, natural childbirths, A.D.D, how difficult it is to read road signs in Hungarian & Mikva's. Did I mention A.D.D?)
So first things first, we missed the Route 6 South turnoff - no biggie. Turned around somewhere near Kochav Yair and made our way down the toll road towards Jerusalem. We stopped only a couple of times for diet coke and a wee, but after a while, we noticed that the landscape had changed was looking a tad arid. No hills to be seen anywhere. No trees. Thats odd. Hmmmmm. Where the heck were we, couldn't be far now I tell Sarit. And then I saw the sign to bloody Arad. This was not good. The b.f. course was starting in 20 mins and we were 20 km before Be'er Sheva. I kid you not. Oh Shite.
The hontastashura is that after turning back, getting stuck in traffic and getting lost in the center of the city we arrived approx 90 mins late. Luckily I am a breastfeeding guru.(We won't mention the age I actually weaned my kids, but let me tell you, I am a master). We got there just in time to learn about "baby led latch on", and what kind problems would promp a call in to the lactation consultant.
The feedback I have gotten from this little episode has been varied. My mom laughed so hard she chocked. Petero wanted to know how we could have possibly missed the humungous signs to Jerusalem. My dad was speechless for once. And my bro, bless him, pointed out that it takes only one hour to get to Jerusalem. So how come we only figured out we were lost by the time we were almost in Eilat?
Uhm. Ok, so we got a bit confused. In my defense, I was not driving the car, so I shouldn't take all the responsibility. Besides, this story is not in the same league as the time my brother had his car stolen. Two days later it was found, happily parked outside the bank, not a car thief in site. So there bro. Put that in your smoke and pipe it.
5 years ago