Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I will NOT be an addict in my next life.


Ok, I have to come clean. I am an addict. And I don't say that lightly. It seems that I have an "unhealthy obsession" to everything, well almost everything.  I used to think it was just Chocolate, but turns out I am overly enthusiastic about way more than high quality bittersweet chocolate that melts in the mouth. I can put back a few dozen chocolate covered caramel pecans in one sitting without batting an eyelid. Lindt chocolates make me weak at the knees, and thank God, my favorite chocolate is currently unavailable in this country- (Cadbury's with mint crispy bits inside. hmmmm.)

So- I'm Jo and I am a...
Shopaholic- Especially if things are on sale, that's for me. (Except MAC cosmetics,which never goe on sale, so I just have to avert mine eyes when walking passed.)  It doesn't actually matter what is on sale, as long as it IS (On Sale). Those red stickers at Target are my downfall. Luckily, I could never afford expensive designer shit so I have to make do. Lately, I spend my time on Amazon and E-bay, and hope that Blackpetero does not notice what goes on with the PayPal.

Clutterholic/- I just cannot keep things organized and I have a really hard time throwing things out. I have papers from 10 years ago and every single drawing my kids ever made.
I also forget where I put things and its almost impossible to find anything in the mess. I once lost the cordless phone and someone found it in the freezer next to the dark chocolate premium Ice- cream bars. hmmmm.

Nicotine Addict- this is a big one. And pretty much caused me to be an alcoholic, as I convinced myself that I could not have a ciggie with out a drink. How's that for logic, after 15 yrs of being Nicotine Free. 

Computer Addict- Seems I have a problem with all things media related. Apparently this is a huge problem, and there are whole websites and organizations to deal with compulsive computer use. According to hubby, I have already filled about 1 terabyte of hard disk space with Pure Blood, QAF, Dexter, Top Chef .......Wait, this is way  too incriminating, so will stop right there. My Facebook and email are checked on average every 5 minutes, and if I am away from my computer for more than an hour or so, I start to hyperventilate.

I drink at least 8 cups of Caffeinated beverages per day, and have just discovered Diet Coke. Really, I used to hate that stuff, until I gave up Alcohol, now I cannot get enough.
My daughter told me yesterday, that she thinks I am a Workaholic, but I totally disagree. I am A.D.D, so when I focus on something, I superfocus. Oh and BPO complains that I play way too much Online Scrabble with Alon. So,what of it?  I have a few more minor addictions that I cannot reveal, as I do not want to corrupt the youth, so will leave it at that. Wait, do Shoes and Bags deserve their own category? And what about Wool? Bet there is no 12 step program for that one. Last time I was in Houston, I bought approx 60 balls of different colored wool/yarn from Michaels, it was on sale, and oh so pretty. Hubby was not happy as it filled the extra suitcase I had to go out and buy.
And besides- I don't even KNIT.
Need I say more? 

ps: My son doesn't notice much of anything, he is too busy playing video games- the apple does not fall far...

pss: I would like to thank my Higher Power for not introducing me to Crack cause that would really suck.

About Me

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I am not really mental. Just a tad A.D.D. Have no memory at all. Somewhat Bi-Polar. Apparently Co-Dependent. (but working on it :-) Oh, and Addicted to Anything Good. No kidding.