Thursday, October 15, 2009

Next time you are on a reality show- DO NOT sing.

So, the TV crew came and went. And seeing as this is a Note To Self I will say it again: next time do not sing! You are welcome to read hubby's blog for all the gory details, but at this point, I am just mortified at what embarrassing things they will actually show. I mean, what were we thinking for goodness sake.
They loved Dyl, she was really cool. Peter's black cupboard was riveting. They are going to have to put in subtitles, cause the Boychild only spoke English. Our neighbor Eddie was no help with the Trumpledores arm question and I didn't even know he lost one.
All in all, the whole thing was totally fascinating.It's amazing how many people and camera's and hidden directors, with microphones kept popping out of the place.

So, I am now obsessing wondering: how many people actually watch Arutz 10? None of us watches TV at all, so for sure WE wont see it. Or maybe no one will tune in for the whole month of November, think that's possible?
Please God, and I mean this, pleeeeease have them cut out the singing bits. In fact, why don't you have them scrap the whole show- cause I may not be able to go out in pubic ever again- Ugh. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marlow,
    Thanks so much for commenting. I had no clue that anyone was actually reading this blog. Good suggestion about the photo's, we were kicking ourselves that we forgot to take a pic of the crew.


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I am not really mental. Just a tad A.D.D. Have no memory at all. Somewhat Bi-Polar. Apparently Co-Dependent. (but working on it :-) Oh, and Addicted to Anything Good. No kidding.